Unlock the power of your community to empower your members

Hivebrite’s all-in-one solution powers the communities of influential collectives and associations worldwide.


Hivebrite powers collectives & associations.

Hivebrite is a versatile platform and serves a variety of use cases for collectives and associations, including:

Memberships & clubs

Clubs of all sizes and types—including community groups, sports clubs, diaspora groups, and more—manage membership programs of all types with Hivebrite’s all-in-one platform.

Professional networking groups

Certification bodies and professional societies use our platform for networking, continuous learning, workshops, conferences, and more to facilitate exchange of best practices among specialists in their field of expertise.

Trade associations & regulators

Trade associations and regulators use Hivebrite to disseminate information efficiently, notify members of important updates, collaborate and gather feedback, support advocacy efforts, and gather industry intelligence on the industry.

La solution tout-en-un la plus puissante pour l'engagement communautaire

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Why Hivebrite?

Key use cases of Hivebrite for collectives & associations.

Facilitate collaboration

Create a dynamic hub for groups of interest to access publications, share insights, discuss ideas, attend engaging seminars, and provide valuable feedback.

Enhance industry engagement

Keep members informed of policy changes, bolster internal advocacy initiatives, encourage collaboration, mobilize staff, and coordinate collective efforts on specific regulatory subjects or concerns.

Optimize membership experience

Offer a one-stop shop for your members to sign up and pay their memberships, explore benefits, receive personalized communications, access exclusive content & opportunities, participate in forum discussions and events and more.

Generate revenue through community

Develop a profit-driven community that offers substantial value to members. Enhance engagement, increase brand recognition, and generate additional revenue by using targeted marketing strategies.

How collectives & associations get the most out of Hivebrite.

GlobalWelsh offers support for its community of circumstance

GlobalWelsh brings together members of the Welsh diaspora to connect, collaborate, and support each other across the globe.

Find out how

Sabin Vaccine Institute increases global reach with Boost community platform

The Sabin Vaccine Institute is a leading advocate for expanding vaccine access and uptake globally, advancing vaccine research and development, and amplifying vaccine knowledge and innovation.

Find out how

How the D2 collective is making the tech world feel closer

The D2 collective partnered with Hivebrite to create a value-based community to unite tech professionals and support connection, collaboration, and growth.

Find out how

Les solutions Hivebrite.

Grâce à la personnalisation inégalée d'Hivebrite, nous alimentons les communautés dans divers secteurs industriels. Découvrez la façon dont nous pouvons nous aligner de manière transparente sur vos besoins uniques.

  • Entreprises Corporate

    Les petites et grandes entreprises se tournent vers Hivebrite pour transformer leur engagement auprès de leurs publics uniques. Notre plateforme polyvalente facilite le partage des connaissances, l’alignement stratégique et nourrit le sentiment d’appartenance des membres.

  • Organisations à but non lucratif

    Les organisations caritatives, les fondations, les ONG et les organisations gouvernementales se tournent vers Hivebrite pour révolutionner leur engagement auprès des donateurs, des bénévoles et des bénéficiaires. Notre plateforme adaptable encourage le partage des connaissances, stimule l’impact de la mission et cultive un fort sentiment d’appartenance parmi les membres.

  • Éducation

    Des écoles aux universités, Hivebrite facilite la transformation de simples connexions en communautés d’apprentissage dynamiques entre les étudiants, les éducateurs, les parents et les anciens élèves. Notre plateforme dynamique entretient des relations durables, stimule les dons généreux et cultive des pôles de recherche florissants, alimentant ainsi l’avancement de votre établissement.

  • Associations

    Des collectifs et des associations de toutes tailles se tournent vers Hivebrite pour optimiser l’expérience de leurs membres et susciter des intérêts communs. Notre plateforme polyvalente nourrit les communautés professionnelles, stimule la croissance collective et mobilise des valeurs partagées pour un impact social.

Découvrez comment nos clients
ont un impact.

Des organisations du monde entier utilisent la plateforme riche en fonctionnalités de Hivebrite pour créer, personnaliser et développer leur communauté en ligne. Voici ce qu'elles ont à dire.

Lire les témoignages de clients

“Hivebrite enables us to sustain and scale our community and virtual engagement strategies to continue supporting our members as best as possible.”

Elizabeth Kohlway
Community & Digital Engagement Director, Sabin Vaccine Institute

“Hivebrite’s Mentoring Module was one of the key reasons we selected Hivebrite as our community engagement platform.”

Paul McMillan
Community Manager, The Data Lab

“The platform and its features offer everything we need and more to engage our members and keep them coming back.”

Erica Isotta Surace
Co-Founder, D2 Collective

“Centralizing our community and mentoring program on one intuitive platform improves our members’ experience. The UX and UI of the platform are great!”

Ilyass Rahmouni
Accelerator Programme Manager, EIT Health

“Hivebrite’s platform has made parts of my working day 110% easier by empowering Fulbrighters to connect, exchange, and collaborate with each other.”

Rob Ellis
Community Manager, Fulbrighter

“Hivebrite’s platform is completely customizable. All visual elements in the community match JA Worldwide’s visual identity.”

Sarah Rapp
Director, Alumni and People Engagement, JA Worldwide

“With Hivebrite, Notre Dame was able to set up a COVID-19 response fundraising campaign in under half an hour that was seen by over 100,000 potential donors worldwide.”

Brandon Tabor
Director of Marketing Operations, University of Notre Dame

“Hivebrite provides a forum for our portfolio companies to quickly and easily connect with each other to discuss challenges they’ve seen and how to solve them.”

Christina Nanfeldt
Portfolio Engagement Manager, Insight Partners

“The online platform allows mentees to browse mentor profiles, choosing a match that feels right for them.”

Shamala Govindasamy
APM Mentor

“We've been able to develop engagement opportunities, a consolidated resource and funding database, and a robust storytelling program because of the features [Hivebrite] offered.”

Margaret Hedderman
Communications and Editorial Director, Startup Colorado

“With Hivebrite, we have built a vibrant, caring community that advocates for customers and drives customer satisfaction and retention.”

Edda Mammen
Digital Project Manager, K2 Systems

“Since launching with Hivebrite, the Girl Up community has transformed communication and connection for Girl Up members. ”

Tess Reiman
Program Coordinator Girl Up, United Nations Foundation