Case study

How Shell Alumni Network connects former Shell employees

Shell Alumni network partnered with Hivebrite to create a mutually supportive and engaged community.

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“We made a very conscious decision in choosing Hivebrite. For any community to be successful in the long run it needs to innovate and continually add value—Hivebrite enables us to do this. We knew we were getting a premium, ever-improving platform.”

Dagmar Mekking / Director of Shell Alumni Network

About Shell Alumni Network (SAN)

Created by alumni for alumni, SAN is independent of Shell. However, the company fully supports its mission and recognizes it as the official global Shell alumni network.


SAN reconnects former Shell employees in an online community so they can make a difference to each other, as well as to society as a whole.

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The community challenge

Since SAN was created completely from scratch, they had an opportunity to get started on a platform that would meet their extensive needs. The SAN team demoed many community management platforms and extensively compared features.

Chief among their requirements was a stellar end-user experience. They also needed a platform that would allow easy creation of sub-communities to cover the diverse needs of community members that come from various corporate specialties and interests. The ability to enable seamless signups and membership fee-processing was also a must.

The Hivebrite solution

With its wide variety of features and options for customization, Hivebrite was the clear choice for SAN. “Hivebrite doesn’t have a one size fits all approach to community management,” says Mekking. “We were able to customize our platform and we can test different features. This meant we could launch fast and see results quicker.” 

The community launched with the groups module to enable subcommittees with specific discussions, events, and content. It also made use of the media center, a live news feed, and the campaign module in order to send regular newsletters. The organization uses the analytics to consistently hone its content based on what engagement metrics show its users are most interested in. 

“We have now established the credibility, reputation, and value of our community. Our next phase is to scale—and we can do this with a lot of confidence now that we know our foundation is strong”, says Mekking. “With Hivebrite we have a real partnership, not just access to a platform. Hivebrite’s team understands our challenges and cares about our success”.