Case study

EIT Health’s offers
participants all the advantages of its
online community

The healthcare innovation network decided to centralize its mentoring program and community on Hivebrite’s platform to enhance member experience.

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EIT Health community

Centralizing our community and mentoring program on one intuitive platform improves our members’ experience. The UX and UI of the platform are great! Hivebrite helps us to make better mentoring matches and streamline and automate processes to save time! 

We have also witnessed an increase in community membership as more people are signing up to join the mentoring program! Within seven months of the new program’s launch, we welcomed 260 new community members.”

Ilyass Rahmouni / Accelerator Programme Manager, EIT Health

About EIT Health

EIT Health’s ambition is to enable people in Europe to live longer, healthier lives. The organization brings together the brightest minds from the worlds of business, research, education, and healthcare delivery to answer some of Europe’s biggest health challenges. It also offers programs, training, and funding to empower the next generation of healthcare innovators and support start-ups in the healthcare sector.


Be Europe’s leading innovation platform, facilitating longer, healthier lives, and more sustainable healthcare systems by 2023.

Visit the community

The community challenge

EIT Health wanted to enhance the impact of its activities and further drive innovation by keeping in touch with innovators from its community and enabling them to exchange with each other.

EIT Health partnered with Hivebrite to create the EIT Health Innovators Community, a multidisciplinary network  to connect stakeholders from all EIT Health’s initiatives. The community counts over 3000 members who share a common vision for creating positive societal impact; through innovation and entrepreneurship.

EIT Health was running a mentoring program outside of Hivebrite using other software. It decided to migrate its mentoring program to Hivebrite to offer program participants the chance to experience the benefits of its online community. It also wanted to process program participation payments, which was impossible with its previous platform.

The Hivebrite solution

Using Hivebrite’s Mentoring Module, the Mentoring & Coaching Network connects start-ups with selected experts in  healthcare technology and services from its online community.

The goal of the Mentoring & Coaching Network is to help accelerate the development of start-ups in technology and services for the healthcare sector. 

Start-ups complete an application form and then are matched with one of the program’s 130 mentors for tailored support.

All mentoring program participants can enjoy the benefits of the EIT Health Innovators Community, including networking opportunities, workshops, knowledge sharing, and thought leadership events.

The Program Administrator receives a notification each time a new mentoring program is started and can track the status of all mentoring relationships via Hivebrite’s back office. Payments can be processed directly on the platform with Hivebrite’s Stripe integration.

The outcome

In seven months, there have been over 30 successful mentorship pairings.

EIT Health only migrated its most engaged mentors and mentees from its previous platform to Hivebrite. The program’s engagement rate has increased by over 40%.