Online Community Membership Management Platform & Features

Structure your user base more effectively and automate process

Manage your community effectively with customization, platform administration, and data reporting.

Trusted by leading organizationsinstitutions
Product Pillars
  • Brand
  • Organize
  • Engage
  • Empower
  • Monetize

All features.

Member management

Power more meaningful connections by capturing, displaying and segmenting the most relevant member information.

Customized profiles

Create custom profile fields that are more pertinent and useful to your community; control visibility, user options and searchability.

Segmentation & access rights

Use your captured data to create segmentation and targeting, create clusters, natural groupings and controlled permissions.

Sign-up & activation workflows

Create an application and acceptance structure that is tailored precisely to your member criteria.

Platform administration

Optimize your community strategy through delegated management capabilities; driving engagement through multiple contributors.

Global & group admins

Granular permissions are allocated to your community managers, with a secondary partitioned level for independent group administration

Data management

The intuitive back office gives full control of your user records, including filtering, reporting and actioning your data.

Categories & tags

Create common themes across the site by tagging and categorizing content for easy search and recall.


User flagging and built-in tools allow designated moderators to remove, document, and take action against inappropriate content.

Analytics product screens

Data, reporting, and analytics

Unlock community insights designed to measure meaningful metrics that help communicate the impact your community has on organizational objectives.

Track KPIs to demonstrate ROI

Assess community health and gain valuable insights into actions and outcomes. Make informed decisions that enhance engagement and impact.

Tie insights to organizational goals

Share critical insights from intuitive dashboards with leadership to enhance data-driven decision making and maximize business outcomes.

Maximize engagement

Gain insights into user activity through customizable engagement scoring and a diverse range of dashboards.

Groups management

Platform-wide engagement metrics receive a huge boost when independent but cohesive Groups each drive their own individual strategy for success.

Dedicated content

Our group-specific tools enable delivering more relevant, valuable content to drive higher engagement and participation rates at a secondary level.

Visibility & access

Groups can be private, public or even invisible to individual members, with access controlled by user criteria or membership level.


Hivebrite’s advanced Groups tools can mean creating independently structured “communities within a community” even with their own public pages.

What is Hivebrite

Your all-in-one community platform.

Hivebrite solutions.

With Hivebrite’s unparalleled customization, we power communities across diverse industry sectors. Learn more about how we can seamlessly align with your unique requirements.

  • Commercial

    Small and large enterprises turn to Hivebrite to transform their engagement with their unique audiences. Our versatile platform facilitates knowledge sharing, strategic alignment, and nurtures members’ sense of belonging.

  • Non-profit

    Charities, foundations, NGOs, and government organizations turn to Hivebrite to revolutionize their engagement with donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries. Our adaptable platform encourages knowledge sharing, drives mission impact, and cultivates a strong sense of belonging among members.

  • Education

    From schools to universities, Hivebrite facilitates the transformation of simple connections into vibrant learning communities among students, educators, parents, and alumni. Our dynamic platform nurtures enduring relationships, spurs generous giving, and cultivates thriving research hubs, powering your institution’s advancement.

  • Collectives & Associations

    Collectives and associations of all sizes turn to Hivebrite to optimize member experiences and ignite shared interests. Our versatile platform nurtures professional communities, stimulates collective growth, and mobilizes shared values for social impact.

See how our customers
make an impact.

Organizations worldwide are using Hivebrite’s feature-rich platform to build, customize, and grow their online community—here’s what they have to say.

Read customer stories

“Hivebrite enables us to sustain and scale our community and virtual engagement strategies to continue supporting our members as best as possible.”

Elizabeth Kohlway
Community & Digital Engagement Director, Sabin Vaccine Institute

“Hivebrite’s Mentoring Module was one of the key reasons we selected Hivebrite as our community engagement platform.”

Paul McMillan
Community Manager, The Data Lab

“The platform and its features offer everything we need and more to engage our members and keep them coming back.”

Erica Isotta Surace
Co-Founder, D2 Collective

“Centralizing our community and mentoring program on one intuitive platform improves our members’ experience. The UX and UI of the platform are great!”

Ilyass Rahmouni
Accelerator Programme Manager, EIT Health

“Hivebrite’s platform has made parts of my working day 110% easier by empowering Fulbrighters to connect, exchange, and collaborate with each other.”

Rob Ellis
Community Manager, Fulbrighter

“Hivebrite’s platform is completely customizable. All visual elements in the community match JA Worldwide’s visual identity.”

Sarah Rapp
Director, Alumni and People Engagement, JA Worldwide

“With Hivebrite, Notre Dame was able to set up a COVID-19 response fundraising campaign in under half an hour that was seen by over 100,000 potential donors worldwide.”

Brandon Tabor
Director of Marketing Operations, University of Notre Dame

“Hivebrite provides a forum for our portfolio companies to quickly and easily connect with each other to discuss challenges they’ve seen and how to solve them.”

Christina Nanfeldt
Portfolio Engagement Manager, Insight Partners

“The online platform allows mentees to browse mentor profiles, choosing a match that feels right for them.”

Shamala Govindasamy
APM Mentor

“We've been able to develop engagement opportunities, a consolidated resource and funding database, and a robust storytelling program because of the features [Hivebrite] offered.”

Margaret Hedderman
Communications and Editorial Director, Startup Colorado

“With Hivebrite, we have built a vibrant, caring community that advocates for customers and drives customer satisfaction and retention.”

Edda Mammen
Digital Project Manager, K2 Systems

“Since launching with Hivebrite, the Girl Up community has transformed communication and connection for Girl Up members. ”

Tess Reiman
Program Coordinator Girl Up, United Nations Foundation

Frequently asked questions.

Hivebrite is a versatile community management platform that is used by a variety of organizations to facilitate community organization and member management.

JA Worldwide ranks among the leading youth-focused non-governmental organizations globally. It provides hands-on, practical education in entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and job readiness to inspire and equip young individuals for success in the international economy. 

JA Worldwide collaborates with young people of all ages, an extensive alumni network, volunteers, teachers, and connects with nearly 100,000 schools annually.

The non-profit organization trusts Hivebrite to power its community that connects and engages change makers worldwide to drive more impact.

Its community has over 50,000 members, 110 subcommunities for targeted resources, and empowers 250 alumni leaders.

Read more about JA Worldwide’s community here.

Discover more about Hivebrite and its customers’ communities here.

Community managers are responsible for guiding the community towards its goals. Their tasks are diverse and vary depending on the specific nature of the community they manage. Common responsibilities include:

Content management: Curating and sharing relevant and engaging content.
Example: Creating blog posts, newsletters, and multimedia content that resonate with community interests.

Feedback management: Actively listen to member feedback and address concerns.
Example: Collect survey responses and implement suggestions for improving the community experience.

Communication: Serving as a liaison between the community and the organization.
Example: Sharing organizational updates, policies, and announcements that impact community members.

Community advocacy: Representing and advocating for the community’s interests.
Example: Voicing community feedback to influence product development or organizational decisions.

Relationship building: Facilitating connections and networking opportunities among members.
Example: Introducing members with shared interests, encouraging collaborations and partnerships.

Analytics and reporting: Monitoring community metrics and reporting on engagement trends.
Example: Using analytics tools to track member activity, identify trends, and measure the impact of community initiatives.

Moderation: Ensuring respectful and productive discussions.
Example: Moderating forums, newsfeeds, and comment sections to maintain community guidelines.

Event organization: Planning and hosting events to foster interaction.
Example: Arranging webinars, live Q&A sessions, and virtual meetups to facilitate member engagement.

Hivebrite offers a number of features to facilitate member management including:

Tiered administration to quickly and easily control who sees what

Facilitate collaboration and management by enabling different levels of access and permissions suited to each team member’s role.

Data and analytics to drive your community strategy

Make strategic decisions to improve business outcomes with data. Leverage insights into customer behavior, engagement metrics, market trends, and more!

Customized profiles, roles, permissions, and workflows to empower your team

Create customized user profiles, define roles with precise permissions, and set up efficient workflows. This enables you to manage access levels effortlessly, ensuring that your team operates smoothly and securely. Enhance collaboration and streamline processes to support both internal operations and external partnerships, making your organization more agile and effective.

You can measure member engagement through quantitative and qualitative metrics reflecting engagement, satisfaction, and growth. 

Here are key indicators and methods to measure successful member management:

Member engagement metrics:

  • Activity levels: Track metrics such as the frequency of logins, contributions (posts, comments), event registrations, and content interactions (likes, shares).
  • Participation rates: Measure the percentage of active members versus total registered members over time.
  • Retention rates: Assess how many members continue engaging with the community for months or years.
  • Membership growth: Monitor the growth rate of new members joining the community.

Community health and satisfaction:

  • Feedback surveys: Conduct regular surveys to gauge member satisfaction, gather feedback on community experiences, and assess perceptions of value.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measure how likely members are to recommend the community to others, indicating overall satisfaction and advocacy.

Content and interaction quality:

  • Content performance: Analyze the effectiveness of content by tracking views, shares, and comments. Assess if content aligns with member interests and generates engagement.

Impact on organizational goals:

  • Strategic alignment: Evaluate how well community activities support broader organizational objectives, such as customer retention, brand advocacy, or product feedback.

Qualitative assessments:

  • Success stories: Highlight instances where the community has directly benefited members or contributed to organizational achievements.
  • Member testimonials: Gather feedback and testimonials from members about their experiences and outcomes within the community.

Operational efficiency:

  • Resource utilization: Assess the efficiency of community management efforts about allocated resources (time, budget, personnel).