Building lasting relationships with members

Join our panel as they explore the art of building lasting relationships within online communities. This conversation dives deep into practical strategies for fostering authentic connections and driving engagement.

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Key discussion points include:

  • The importance of authenticity in community management
  • Strategies for scaling relationship-building efforts
  • Innovative approaches to member engagement, including meet-ups and federated models
  • Balancing business objectives with community needs
  • Measuring the success and ROI of community initiatives

Resources mentioned:
SPACES framework by David Spinks
Donut for Slack

Building lasting member relationships in online communities

The foundation of any thriving online community is authentic human connection. Community managers play a crucial role in fostering an environment where members feel comfortable being their true selves and connecting on a deeper level beyond just professional interests.

Foundational elements of lasting member relationships

Authenticity is at the core of building meaningful relationships within a community. Community leaders must model this behavior by being genuine in their interactions and creating space for vulnerability. When leaders show vulnerability first, it creates space for members to do the same.

Humility is another key element. Successful community managers approach their role with an attitude of co-creation, recognizing that members are essential partners in shaping the community experience. This involves actively seeking feedback and being willing to iterate based on member input.
Understanding member needs through research and ongoing dialogue is crucial. One-on-one conversations with members provide deep insights into what they’re looking to gain from the community.

Meaningful connections at scale

While personal outreach is valuable, especially in a community’s early stages, managers must find ways to facilitate connections at scale as the community grows. Tools such as Orbiit are ideal for automating one-to-one connections between member.

Member-led meetups and programs are an excellent way to scale engagement while empowering community members. A “pod model” for meetups – with community members leading, supported by internal staff and an executive sponsor – allows for growth while maintaining quality.

Tagging relevant members in discussions is a simple yet effective tactic for increasing visibility and encouraging participation. Community managers can use their knowledge of member personas to make these connections strategically.

Encouraging member engagement

The key to driving engagement is to listen carefully to what members want and tailor programs accordingly. This may involve evolving existing programs based on feedback to better meet member needs.

Facilitating connections based on shared interests beyond just professional roles can lead to deeper, more lasting relationships. Members who initially connect over work-related topics often form strong friendships based on personal commonalities.
Creating opportunities for thought leadership and volunteering within the community can increase engagement while providing value to members. This could involve inviting members to lead discussions, write blog posts, or take on leadership roles within local chapters.

Measuring the impact of your community-building efforts

Tracking engagement metrics such as discussion participation, event attendance, and member growth provides a baseline for community health. However, it’s crucial to go beyond these surface-level metrics to measure true impact.

Business impact metrics, such as lead generation, customer retention, and product adoption rates among community members versus non-members, can demonstrate the tangible value of community efforts to organizational leadership.

Regular member surveys provide both quantitative and qualitative data on community satisfaction and areas for improvement. It’s important to be transparent with leadership about both successes and challenges revealed through this feedback.

Collecting and showcasing qualitative feedback and member testimonials can powerfully illustrate the impact of community efforts in a way that numbers alone cannot. Keeping a “win folder” of positive member feedback is useful for presentations and performance reviews.

By focusing on authentic human connections while also tying efforts to business objectives, community managers can build thriving communities that provide value to both members and the organization. Regular measurement and iteration based on member feedback is key to long-term success. As online communities continue to grow in importance for businesses and organizations, the ability to foster meaningful relationships at scale will become an increasingly valuable skill for community professionals.

Morgan Rice, Revenue Enablement & Community Development, Hivebrite

Hosted by:

Morgan Rice

Morgan is a community strategist and entrepreneur with a passion for creating meaningful, authentic spaces that bring people together. With experience organizing events ranging from intimate gatherings to large-scale summits, Morgan excels at fostering immersive and heartfelt community experiences.

Currently focused on developing innovative community platforms at Hivebrite, Morgan combines creativity and strategy to build spaces that inspire connection. Dedicated to the art of gathering, Morgan is driven by the belief that true community is built on genuine relationships and shared experiences.

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