Enhance member experience with an online community

When done right, an online community can drive growth and retention by adding value to the member experience.

Listen in as our expert panel discusses how they keep members engaged and satisfied with their online communities.

Watch now to get insights on:
  • Designing and developing an online community
  • Consistently providing value
  • Building trust and engagement
  • Encouraging participation
  • Balancing local and global needs
  • Measuring success
  • And more!

And keep scrolling to discover five ways to improve your association’s member experience!

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Meet the panel

Debbie Bird

Debbie Bird

Community Manager, Association for Project Management

Petra Heitkamp

Petra Heitkamp

Community Manager, TB●PPM Learning Network

Chelsea Choppy

Chelsea Choppy

Principal Customer Success Manager, Hivebrite

5 ways to improve your association’s member experience

How to improve your association’s member experience

Member experience is the secret sauce for a vibrant association. It directly impacts member acquisition, retention, brand reputation, and ultimately, your bottom line. Associations that prioritize member experience are better positioned to thrive in today’s competitive and rapidly evolving association landscape.

Let’s take a closer look at how you can enhance your member experience to drive growth, retention, and engagement.

What is member experience?

The difference between member experience and customer experience

Before going any further, let’s address some common confusion.  Member experience and customer experience are often used interchangeably despite being different.  Customer experience centers on the interactions and satisfaction of a consumer with a company’s products or services, often with a focus on transactional outcomes. Member experience refers to members’ overall perceptions, interactions, and satisfaction with an association throughout their entire membership journey.

What is an example of membership experience?

Member experience encompasses every touchpoint and interaction a member has with the association, from initial engagement and onboarding to participation in events, access to resources, and renewal processes. Member experience focuses on the ongoing relationship and engagement between an association and its members, emphasizing long-term value and community.

Benefits of improving member experience

Before getting into the “how”, let’s address the “why”. Here are some of the benefits that improving member experience can bring to your association.

Increased member retention

According to the Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report by Marketing General Incorporated many associations struggle with retaining first-year members. Improved member experience can lead to higher renewal rates, as satisfied members see value in renewing their membership.​

Enhanced engagement

Satisfied members are more likely to actively engage in association activities, such as attending events, participating in discussions, and utilizing resources. This increased engagement can lead to a more vibrant and dynamic community​​.

Better recruitment

Positive experiences can turn members into advocates for the association​. Happy members are more likely to recommend your association to colleagues and peers, aiding recruitment efforts.

Improved financial stability

Higher retention and recruitment rates contribute to a stable and potentially growing revenue base. Engaged members are also more likely to participate in paid events, courses, and other revenue-generating activities.​ Retaining existing members is generally more cost-effective than recruiting new ones. By improving member experience, associations can reduce churn and the associated costs of constantly finding new members​​.

Enhanced member satisfaction

Members who feel their needs and expectations are met are more satisfied. This satisfaction can translate to a more fulfilling professional and personal life, enhancing the perceived value of membership​. Providing valuable resources, learning opportunities, and professional development help members grow in their careers, increasing their satisfaction and commitment to your association​.

Competitive advantage

Competitive Advantage: In a competitive landscape, associations that prioritize and excel in member experience can differentiate themselves from others and gain a competitive edge.

5 Ways to improve member experience

So how can you improve member experience?

1. Personalize member interactions:

  • Use data and analytics to send personalized messages and content to members based on their preferences and behavior. This can include personalized email newsletters, event recommendations, and targeted content.
  • Acknowledge and celebrate members’ milestones and contributions, whether through personalized messages, shout-outs at events, or awards​​.

2. Enhance technology and accessibility

  • Invest in modern, user-friendly technology for your website and member portal. Ensure that these platforms are easy to navigate and mobile-friendly.
  • Use integrated systems to streamline member interactions and provide seamless access to resources, event registrations, and communication channels​.

According to a Community Brands study, more than half of respondents say their top technology purchasing priority is the ability to impact the member experience.

3. Provide valuable content and learning opportunities:

  • Offer high-quality, relevant educational content such as webinars, workshops, certification programs, and industry updates. Tailor these offerings to meet the diverse needs of your members at different career stages.
  • Provide members access to exclusive content and resources, such as research reports, industry insights, and best practices.

4. Encourage networking

  • Organize regular networking events, both online and offline, to help members build connections and engage with peers. This can include meet-and-greet sessions, roundtable discussions, and social events.

5. Seek and act on member feedback

  • Conduct regular surveys to gather feedback on member satisfaction, needs, and preferences. Use this feedback to make informed decisions and improvements.
  • Establish various channels for members to provide feedback, such as suggestion boxes, focus groups, and one-on-one meetings. Ensure members feel heard and their feedback is valued and acted upon​​.

Enhance member experience with a private online community

A private online community can enhance member experience for associations by enabling all of the above and more! Watch the webinar to discover how APM and TBPPM are building online communities to enhance member experience, encourage knowledge sharing and connections, and empower and represent members!

Explore our webinar hub for upcoming and on-demand sessions to elevate your community-building skills.

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