Why you need a corporate alumni network

Don’t squander your investment in relationships. Strong alumni engagement communities contribute to business objectives by mitigating recruitment risks, championing organizational success, and driving business growth. Activate and elevate your alumni engagement strategy with Hivebrite’s powerful features.

Savings calculator
Up to

of net new revenue is influenced by an alumni

Up to

customer’s annual hires sourced from alumni

Up to

of alumni who apply for a job will get hired

Up to

of alumni network members would buy from their former employer

* Metrics cited from the 2023 Corporate Alumni Benchmarking Report by the University of British Columbia

Trusted by leading organizationsinstitutions
Unlock the power of your corporate alumni network

Unlock the power of your corporate alumni network

Listen in as our expert panel as they explore the vital components of a thriving corporate alumni community.

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Drive new revenue

Alumni are a largely untapped resource, brimming with potential to drive new business and act as brand advocates. Our platform enables businesses to leverage these valuable relationships, transforming former employees into future customers, referral sources, and enthusiastic supporters.

By engaging alumni, companies can unlock a network eager to contribute to their success, fostering growth and enhancing their market reputation through genuine, mutually beneficial connections. This approach not only capitalizes on existing relationships but also strengthens the company’s community and reach.

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Rehire top talent

Your alumni network serves as a rich reservoir of proven talent, offering an opportunity to rehire exceptional former employees while simultaneously reducing recruitment expenses.

Re-engaging individuals who previously worked for your company, known as boomerang hires, tends to result in higher performance ratings and increased long-term retention. Notably, alumni and referrals rank as the top and third-best sources for high-quality hires, respectively, making them invaluable resources for your talent acquisition strategy. Tap into this potential today.

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Build brand loyalty

Our platform is designed to enhance your employer brand, creating a legion of brand advocates in the process. Studies indicate that brand advocates generate value five times that of an average customer, and an engaged alumni network positively influences your company’s ratings on platforms like Glassdoor and Indeed.

Recruitment experts understand the significance of a robust employer brand. Allow us to assist in developing your brand’s strength starting today.

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How it works

We designed the Hivebrite platform for seamless integration with your existing HR software, while advanced analytics drive maximum engagement. Our platform offers highly customizable solutions with exclusive advanced features, integrations, and personalizations to maximize your alumni engagement. 

How much could you save with the right corporate alumni platform?

Use our calculator to see how much you could potentially expect to save based on recruitment savings alone.

Recruitment savings calculator



The average number of hires required to meet staff turnover:
0 per year

Your total recruitment costs:
$0 per year

Recruitment cost savings from Alumni:
$0 per year

What's more, your network could grow each year by up to 0 people that are more likely to buy from you, refer business to you, recommend a friend for a job, or advocate for your company.