[Webinar replay]
Unlock the power of your corporate alumni network

Listen in as our expert panel explore the vital components of a thriving corporate alumni community.

Key talking points include:
  • The potential benefits of a corporate alumni community
  • Key questions to ask before launching your community
  • How to create a member-centric community that brings value to your organization
  • Best practices for long-term success
  • How to measure success

Short on time? Keep scrolling to discover the webinar’s top four takeaways.

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Meet the panel

Jillian Kaminski

Jillian Kaminski

Global Head of Alumni Relations, BlackRock

Julia Ellis

Julia Ellis

Manager, Associate Experience, Fidelity

Brittaney Shade

Brittaney Shade

Senior Account Executive, Hivebrite

Four key takeaways from the webinar

From driving boomerang hires and business opportunities to enhancing brand loyalty and reputation, the benefits of a corporate alumni network can be huge.

Here are the four top takeaways from our webinar to help your corporate alumni network reach its full potential.

1. Ask the right questions beforehand

The work for creating a vibrant alumni community starts way before launch day.

Firstly, you need to clearly articulate your community’s purpose and goals. The purpose is “the why”—why does this community exist? The goals are “the what”—what specific outcomes do you want the community to achieve?

Additional considerations, such as investment in headcount and technology and the program’s scalability globally, are essential for ensuring your community’s success.

Answering the above questions will help you secure executive buy-in, which is critical for your community’s long-term sustainability.

2. Differentiate your alumni’s experience with exclusive content

Content creation is vital in keeping the alumni community vibrant and valuable. Organizations can differentiate their alumni network from generic social media platforms like LinkedIn by providing exclusive access to information, events, and opportunities. It is crucial to balance the frequency of communication to avoid overwhelming alumni while still keeping them engaged. Sharing relevant updates such as alumni achievements, organizational changes, promotions, and career stories fosters a sense of community and connection among alumni. Check out this content calendar template to help kickstart your community’s content strategy.

3. There’s always room for improvement

Ensuring members are happy with the community experience involves consistently seeking feedback.  Conducting surveys, gathering open feedback, and measuring Net Promoter Scores (NPS) are effective methods for understanding member satisfaction and preferences. Qualitative interviews and conversations with members also help to gather deeper insights into member experiences and expectations. This iterative process of gathering feedback and adjusting your community strategy accordingly is essential for maintaining a vibrant community over time.

4. Adopt a holistic approach to measurement

You need data to justify the resources allocated to maintaining and enhancing your corporate alumni network. The metrics you use to evaluate the impact of your alumni community should be linked to your community’s goals. For example, if one of your community’s goals is talent acquisition, your metrics could include:

  • Number of alumni rehired
  • Referral hires attributed to alumni
  • Alumni engagement in recruitment events or platforms

If your goal is brand advocacy, you could consider metrics such as:

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) among alumni
  • Social media mentions or shares by alumni
  • Participation in alumni-led marketing campaigns or testimonials

That said, not everything can be reduced to a number. Qualitative feedback—such as member anecdotes or achievements— is also critical. Adopt a holistic approach to ROI measurement that resonates within your organization, balancing both warm and fuzzy moments and data. Watch the webinar to discover more about these key takeaways and other topics discussed!

Explore our webinar hub for upcoming and on-demand sessions to elevate your community-building skills.

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